Humorous Poem #48 Pinterest Poem


For those of you who want to copy and reuse the poem. Here is the text version. Feel free to pin it and then hug your husband… He needs it.

I haven’t seen my wife.
She’s been gone for many days.
I’ve tried to send her messages.
I have tried several ways.
But now it seems she’s lost.
With her new found interest.
Curse her friend,
Who invited her to Pinterest.

By Evan James Griffin

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2 Responses to “Humorous Poem #48 Pinterest Poem”

  1. comics says:


    […]Pinterest Poem | Poem About Pinterest | Funny Pinterest Quote | Humorous Poems[…]…

  2. hilarious pictures says:

    hilarious pictures…

    Pinterest Poem | Poem About Pinterest | Funny Pinterest Quote | Humorous Poems…

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