The lessons I learned.
Gum underneath the table.
Shouldn’t be played with.
Archive for the ‘Humorous Haikus’ Category
Humorous Poem #32 School’s Lesson

Humorous Poem #25 Bragging Rights

I won first prize.
And rubbed it in my brother’s face.
But his beard scratched my trophy.
By Evan James Griffin
Humorous Poem # 16 Frowny Face

I used the pliers to turn my sister’s frown upside down,
But she just cried.
Next time I’ll use a wrench.
By Evan James Griffin
Humorous Poem # 14 A Picture

Picture went to jail
But the old judge let him go
Turns out he was framed
By Evan James Griffin
Humorous Poem #11 The Money Fairy

Tooth fairy took my tooth
And the money fairy took my dollar.
At least, that’s what my brother says.
By Evan James Griffin
Humorous Poem #9 Sweet Tooth

I had a sweet car.
My brother had a sweet tooth.
So he ate my car.
By Evan James Griffin
Humorous Poem # 5 House Plant