Humorous Poem #22 Growing Up

growing up I hope you get spanked,
And set your cake on fire.
I hope your receive a gift,
From someone you admire.
I hope they sing a song,
That’s slightly out of tune.
I hope your growing up,
But I hope it’s not too soon.
Happy Birthday!

By Evan James Griffin

Humorous Poem #21 Road Apple

Apple Poem

An apple was sitting in the road.
A truck drove by with a heavy load.
The truck honked, but the apple didn’t retreat.
So now there’s applesauce spread across the street.

By Evan James Griffin

Humorous Poem #20 A Candle’s Diary

Candle Poem

They said I was for decoration,
And I didn’t think they were liars.
But then they struck the match,
And set my hair on fire!

By Evan James Griffin

Humorous Poem #19 How to Pet a Porcupine?

porcupine poem

How do you pet a porcupine?
With that hair a fright?
How do you pet a porcupine?
Without a painful bite
How do you pet those needles?
Without your hand going through it.
The answer is quite simple…
Get your sister to do it.

By Evan James Griffin

Humorous Poem # 18 Bath Time

Bath Time

When my hair is green
And my skin is brown
When my feet stink
And my parents frown
When flies are friends
And flowers wilt
When I start to smell
Like sour milk
When people gasp
And bums laugh
Then I know
I need a bath.

By Evan James Griffin

Humorous Poem #17 Gold Teeth

Gold Teeth

If I had all the money in the world,
I’d want a little more.
Not for world peace,
or even to feed the poor.
Not to search the titanic,
to see what’s underneath.
But for something important…
Something like gold teeth.

By Evan James Griffin

Humorous Poem # 16 Frowny Face

I used the pliers to turn my sister’s frown upside down,
But she just cried.
Next time I’ll use a wrench.

Turn That Frown Upside Down

By Evan James Griffin

Humorous Poem #15 The Stinky Foot

The Stink Foot

The stinky foot is a curse,
that no one wants to smell.
The stinky foot is a secret,
that no one wants to tell.
The stinky foot is rotten,
and an enemy to the shoe.
It’s the worst smell in the world,
Next to you. :)

By Evan James Griffin

Humorous Poem # 14 A Picture

Picture went to jail
But the old judge let him go
Turns out he was framed

By Evan James Griffin

How to Write Funny Poems

Want to learn how to write funny poems? Writing funny poetry is not always an easy task to accomplish. It requires time and dedication. Several aspiring poets over think poetry and transform it a difficult challenge, however; following these simple tips will help you in your quest to write funny poetry.

1. Read Responsibly: Never seek to copy the work of others. As read your favorite poems, pay attention to what you find funny and humorous. Often you’ll realize that your favorite poems are the ones that display the personality of the poet. The majority of funny poems come from funny people who do not care whether or not their poems are considered funny. In other words, you must find your own unique sense of humor.  Learn to make yourself laugh and the others will follow. Humor is purely a matter of opinion. Read responsibly. Read poetry to entertain yourself but never to get new ideas for your own poems. If you do, your new poetry will be someone’s old poetry. Some of the greatest humorous poets of our day contribute their success to writing their own unique poetry without contaminating their style with that of other writers. That being said, you should still read my poems. 😉

2. Make a List:Most poets suffer from writers block but no poet suffers from life block. Life happens; write down words that trigger funny stories. Paul McCartney says that he writes down the titles of potential songs he wishes to write.  You’ll find that as you keep a list, more ideas will come. Refer to that list often and when you are in the mood to write… Kapow! You got a poem.

3. Be Creative: I have always hated creative writing classes. I felt it  unfair that another could judge ones creativity. I recall teachers making notes on my paper about structure, syllables, and the occasional “rewrite”. How absurd?! I don’t need to rewrite my creative piece when I wrote it precisely how I intended it. It’s creative isn’t. Don’t I have the right to create my own style? Don’t be afraid to experiment! Dr. Seuss was rejected twenty-eight times before his work was finally published. I can imagine that several editors found Dr. Seuss uncreative. Do you agree?

There is no secret to writing funny poems. So just write! Read responsibly, make a list, and most importantly, be creative!