Humorous Poem #3 Run Away Milk

My milk grew legs and ran away,
He jumped straight up, and scampered off my tray.
Why he left, he wouldn’t say.
But I guess I won’t have milk today.

By Evan James Griffin

Humorous Poem #2 Origami Land

I live in Origami Land,
Paper houses and trees.
I live in Origami Land
Paper blouses and bees.

I live in Origami Land,
Paper dogs and boats
I live in Origami land,
Paper logs and coats

I live in Origami Land,
Paper faces and cats
I live in Origami Land,
Paper places and hats

I live in Origami Land,
Paper roses and cranes.
I lived in Origami Land,
I hate it when it rains.

By Evan James Griffin

Humorous Poem #1 A Doughnut’s Diet

A doughnut went on a diet.
He didn’t think he’d be able.
But two weeks later,
He turned into a bagel.


By Evan James Griffin